Who We Are
Impactful, Purposeful,
and Transformational
Our name tells most of the story as we are passionate about the sport of Fastpitch and we are born, raised, and reside in the best place on earth, Hawaii. We create events for our athletes, families, coaches, and teams that maximizes the IMPACT through a shared PURPOSE. This is turn will TRANSFORM the sport of Fastpitch in Hawaii. Those 3 words will drive everything we do moving forward. Welcome to Fastpitch Hawaii.

Supporting Athletes
The Hawaii Softball
The Hawaii Softball Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 2009 to be a singular voice in softball for the people of Hawaii. This voice enabled the foundation to converse with the State of Hawaii and the DLNR State Parks division to develop a fastpitch complex inside of the Sand Island State Recreational Area. After 12 years of collaboration the complex is set to open in the summer of 2022. This would not have been possible without the continued patience, commitment, and faith of the State Park’s administrators. The State of Hawaii has contracted the Hawaii Softball Foundation to manage and maintain this facility over the next 10 years.
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